Huns - When Roman envoys finally met Attila the Hun they were horrified - the Huns were a new breed of warrior who live in the saddle and could ride and fight all day! The Legions may have changed, but they are still potentially powerful! Western Roman Empire - under the rule of a strong Emperor there is the chance that Rome could become the centre of the world once again. Their heavy cavalry is frightening indeed. Eastern Roman Empire - the rich part of the Roman World, and now reverting to a more ‘Greek’ and Eastern outlook than strictly Roman.
Nå er gjengen i gang med tilleggspakken som har fått tittelen Barbarian Invasion og lanseres forhåpentligvis i slutten av året. Spillet Rome: Total War fra utvikleren Creative Assembly fikk enormt gode kritikker verden rundt fra en samlet spillpresse.