Mount and blade bannerlord meme
Mount and blade bannerlord meme

mount and blade bannerlord meme

  • Copy across the folder to your Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord install, inside the modules folder.
  • mount and blade bannerlord meme

    TaleWorlds Entertainment disabled the ability to paste code into the banner screen, so we need to install a mod to re-activate this feature. (The instructions provided are pretty good.

  • Go to Reddit user Bizzfart's banner editor.
  • Become a butter lord: Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord ($40 at GMG).
  • It's easy to set and change your banner and colors in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, but did you know there's an unofficial, but super-easy way to create your very own banner? Compared to the options provided in-game, there's plenty of scope here to do pretty much whatever you want.

    Mount and blade bannerlord meme